Julianna Marshall
Julianna Marshall, CAWLS, Health Justice Partnership
Julianna Marshall is currently the Manager, Policy & Education at the Central Australian Women’s Legal Service (CAWLS). A passionate advocate for human rights and gender equality, she holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Arts in Criminology and Politics, and is working through a Master of Public and International Law. She has previously held roles at the Judicial College of Victoria, the Victorian Court of Appeal, Government House (Victoria), La Trobe University and Russell Kennedy Solicitors. She is an appointed member of the NT Crimes Victims Advisory Committee and NT Law Reform Committee, has served as a Co-convenor of Women’s Legal Services Australia, and Assistant Convenor of Victorian Women Lawyers and has represented Community Legal Centres Australia at the UN Commission on the Status of Women. She regularly delivers accredited training on identifying and responding to domestic and family violence. Additionally, she holds a sessional academic role at Deakin University.
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