Anthony Ah Mat

Anthony Ahmat, Office of Gender Equity and Diversity, Territory Families, Housing and Communities

Anthony Ah Mat is a Darwin local of Wardaman and Torres Strait Islander decent from his father’s side and South Hampton, England from his mother. Anthony is the Men’s Places Engagement Officer in the Office of Gender Equity and Diversity within the Department of Territory Families, Housing and Communities. In this role, Anthony assists with the delivery of the Northern Territory Men’s Places Policy and Program which aims to support the establishment and delivery of programs which better Territory men’s health and wellbeing, build positive social connections and peer supports, promote education and skills development, and highlight the contributions of positive male role models in the community.

Key Dates

Conference Dates: 5-6 June 2024

Registrations open: 26 April 2024 

Contact Us

Agentur Pty Ltd - ABN 57 151 252 989

15 Cavenagh Street, Darwin NT 0800, Australia

GPO Box 1767, Darwin NT 0801, Australia 
