Deborah Di Natale

Deborah is a lawyer who has demonstrated a commitment to social  justice and advocacy for those who are experiencing disadvantage. She has a long standing commitment to end homelessness. She worked at Victoria Legal Aid in their family, law and civil division for over 6 years. She also worked as the Principal Solicitor of the Tenants Union where she  advocated strongly that housing is a human right.   Over time she developed an interest in access to justice and systemic reform. Deborah was awarded a scholarship to study an Executive Masters in Public Administration at Melbourne University which she completed and has since worked in senior management positions that promote policy reform. She worked as the Legal Services Director at Justice Connect across Victoria and NSW. She worked as the Principal Lawyer at the North Australian Aboriginal Family Legal Service where she managed a legal service across 44 remote Aboriginal communities in the Top End.  

Deborah has worked in the role of CEO of the Northern Territory Council of Social Service (NTCOSS) a peak body that is made up of not for profits, Aboriginal Controlled Organisations and NGOs. In this role she works directly with cabinet ministers and heads of departments. NTCOSS strives to provide better social outcomes for individuals and communities experiencing disadvantage.  

Deborah was named as one of the Territory’s 100 most powerful women in both 2021 and in 2022. 

Most recently she was appointed as the CEO of Council to Homeless Persons and looks forward to the challenge of ending homelessness and advocating for the sector. She is enthusiastic about ensuring that the sector is supported, strong and sustainable. 

Key Dates

Conference Dates: 9-12 April, 2024

Presentation Submissions: Closed

Early Bird Registrations: 25 Jan - 15 March, 2024

Contact Us

Agentur Pty Ltd

ABN 57 151 252 989

15 Cavenagh Street

Darwin NT 0800, Australia

Phone: +61 8 8981 2010
