Prevocational Medical Education Forum Poster Presentations:

Poster presentations are visual displays of material to be presented and combining text and graphics. Posters may be on any topic relevant to the forum themes. Poster presentations will be displayed on the forum app and website.



Submissions: You are required to submit a digital PDF and A0 printed version of your poster.

- You will be required to submit your poster via a supplied link no later than midnight on Thursday October 24th (we will email poster presenters with the link soon).

- Please bring a A0 sized printed poster (84.1cm  x 118.9cm) to display in the exhibition hall during conference bump in, on the Monday, 11th November from 15:00 – 17:00 at the Darwin Convention Centre, Hall 1.

Regarding Printing: Please ensure high-resolution printing, particularly for images and graphics, to maintain clarity, preferred file format for printing is PDF.

Please note, there is no formal spoken presentation required, however there will be opportunities to connect and discuss your work with other conference delegates during the break times. We encourage you to spend time in the exhibition space if you are interested in engaging with others and discussing your poster presentation, however this is NOT MANDATORY.



1. Content: 

- Title: Make sure the title is concise, descriptive, and captures the essence of your research.

- Abstract: Include a brief abstract that summarises the purpose, methods, results, and conclusions of your research.

- Introduction: Provide background information and the research question or hypothesis.

- Methods: Describe the methodology used, including any data collection and analysis procedures. 

- Results: Present the key findings of your research with the help of charts, graphs, or tables.

- Conclusion: Summarise the significance of your findings and their implications.

-  References: Include citations for any sources you referred to in your research.

- Acknowledgments: Thank any contributors, funding bodies, or institutions that supported your work.


2. Design and Layout

- Organisation: Arrange your content in a logical sequence that guides the reader through your poster, often from left to right, top to bottom.

- Font Size: Use large, readable fonts. The title should be at least 72 pt, headings 36-48 pt, and body text 24-32 pt. 

- Colour Scheme: Choose a colour scheme that enhances readability and highlights important information. Avoid overly bright or clashing colours. 

- Graphics and Images: Use high-quality images, diagrams, and charts to visually represent your data. Ensure that these visuals are labelled and referenced in the text. 

- White Space: Balance text and visuals with adequate white space to avoid cluttering. This makes the poster easier to read and more visually appealing. 


3. Clarity and Accessibility 

- Simplicity: Keep the content straightforward and focused. Avoid excessive jargon and overly complex sentences. 

- Bullet Points: Use bullet points or numbered lists to break up large blocks of text and make key points stand out. 

- Accessibility: Ensure that your poster is accessible to all viewers, including those with visual impairments (e.g., using high-contrast text and images).


4. Review and Feedback 

- Proofreading: Check for spelling, grammar, and factual errors. Have someone else review your poster for clarity and content. 

- Peer Feedback: If possible, present your poster to peers or mentors beforehand to receive constructive feedback.


5. Ethical Considerations

- Confidentiality: Ensure that any data or images used do not violate privacy or confidentiality agreements. 

 - Attribution: Properly attribute all sources and collaborators involved in the research.

Key Dates

Forum Dates: 11-14 November 2024

Abstract Submissions Open: 13 May 2024

Early Bird Registrations Open: 13 May 2024

Early Bird Registrations Close: 2 September 2024

Contact Us

Agentur Pty Ltd

ABN 57 151 252 989

15 Cavenagh Street, Darwin NT 0800, Australia

GPO Box 1767, Darwin NT 0801, Australia
