Amplifying First Nation voices

The primary aim of the Conference is to develop strategies for enhancing First Nations involvement in matters concerning the protection and utilisation of sea country. Through a series of presentations, discussions, and collaborative sessions, our goal is to deepen the understanding of First Nations' perspectives, promote the recognition of First Nations rights in environmental contexts, and bolster the advancement of First Nations-led initiatives.

Guiding positive change

While Australia currently has national peak bodies representing the seafood industry, recreational fishers, and environmental interests in Australian sea country, there is currently no representation for First Nations in Australia. This Conference aims to potentially lay the groundwork for establishing a First Nations Peak Body that represents interests in Australian sea country-related matters. In doing so, it is intended that this conference provides guidance for consistency in recognition of Native Title rights between States/Territory/Federal governments.

Challenging today to create tomorrow

By bringing together diverse voices and perspectives, we aspire to contribute to a future where First Nations governance models, traditional knowledge, and leadership are central to shaping Australia's marine environment.

Platinum Sponsors


As we stand at the intersection of tradition and innovation, the Australian Sea Country Conference seeks to explore and celebrate the profound contributions of Indigenous knowledge systems to solving some of the most pressing sea country challenges of our time.

Key Dates

Conference Dates: 24-26 September 2024

Abstract Submissions Open: 22 May 2024

Abstract Submissions Close: 14 July 2024 

Early Bird Registrations Open:  22 May 2024

Early Bird Registrations Close: 23 Aug 2024

Contact Us

Agentur Pty Ltd

15 Cavenagh Street, Darwin NT 0800, Australia

GPO Box 1767, Darwin NT 0801, Australia 


ABN 57 151 252 989


Australian Sea Country Conference