Dr Joni Pini-Fitzsimmons

Research Fellow, Charles Darwin University

Joni is a postdoctoral researcher in the Research Institute for the Environment and Livelihoods (RIEL) at Charles Darwin University, with a specific interest in understanding human-wildlife interactions for improved conservation outcomes. Currently, her research involves collaborating with commercial fisheries in Northern Australia to understand and mitigate interactions with threatened species, particularly sharks and rays. She is also working on projects that leverage artificial intelligence to streamline and advance fisheries monitoring. At CDU, Joni is part of the Northern Shark and Ray Research Group, which has a focus on advancing the conservation of threatened and endangered elasmobranchs to support sustainable fisheries management and effective conservation policies.

Key Dates

Conference Dates: 24-26 September 2024

Abstract Submissions Open: 22 May 2024

Abstract Submissions Close: 14 July 2024 

Early Bird Registrations Open:  22 May 2024

Early Bird Registrations Close: 23 Aug 2024

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